Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Walk it off....

I think that I've noticed that I often write my blog when I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed or miserable - when I'm finding it hard to get through life and remain sane. It's not a thing I tend to find that easy anyway, frankly I think that I need some form of daily miracle just to make me a vaguely normal person. Maybe that's what Grace is for.

In either case I'm resolving to write when I'm feeling happy instead of when I need to vent the craziness inside. It's a bit sad to think that all people tend to get of me is when I'm not doing so well.....it's just backwards.

This weekend we had a fairly full-on time of work with a breakout on Saturday and then a training course and youth service on Sunday. Despite a certain amount of coldness and a lot of being not as prepared as I should have been I appear to have made it through. My talks went well (at least I think they did) contrasting the work of the lord almighty with the film Zorro (the old one, not the new one of course); and the only scars that I bear appear to be an incredible inner thigh/groin strain from the bucking bronco that we hired. On the upside I understand why cowboys walk like they do and have enjoyed a few days of accidentally being John wayne.

I also stumbled across the following video on youtube that I think is quite funny:


1 comment:

Zaac said...

the video has disappeared off youtube. what was it?